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Publications Summary

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Latest Publications

  1. Biological control of black pepper and ginger pathogens, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani and Phytophthora capsici, using Trichoderma spp, M Mousumi Das, M Haridas, A Sabu, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 17, 177-183, (2019). IF 1.96.

  2. Fermentation of Polyherbal Preparations as in Ayurveda: A Novel Protocol for Drug-Lead Discovery. Sharanya C S, Shabeer Ali H, Sabu A and Haridas M; Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine ISSN: 2578-4986. 3 (3). 2019. DOI: 10.23880/jonam-16000197. IF – 1.57.

  3. Chlorpyrifos-degrading cyanobacterium – Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes isolated from paddy field; Nimisha P Vijayan, Shabeer H Ali, Haridas Madathilkovilakathu & Sabu Abdulhameed. International Journal of Environmental Studies, (2020) IF- 0.8

  4. Process development for the enhanced production of bio-nematicide Purpureocillium lilacinum KU8 under solid-state fermentation. Mousumi Das M, Haridas M and Sabu A; Bioresource Technology, 308, pp 123328, (2020) doi:  IF- 6.7

  5. Specific Anti-Obese Synbiotics to Suit Genetically Different Obese Persons. M Haridas and A Sabu. Intervention in Obesity & Diabetes, 03, 05 (2020) Doi: 10.31031/IOD.2020.03.000575

  6. Optimization of process parameters for the enhanced production of fibrinolytic enzyme by a newly isolated marine bacterium. M. Anusree, K. Swapna, C. N. Aguilar, A. Sabu. Bioresource Technology Reports. 11, (2020). (IF-0.9)

  7. Aloe emodin shows high affinity to active site and low affinity to two other sites to result consummately reduced inhibition of lipoxygenase. C.S. Sharanya, K.G. Arun, A.Sabu, M. Haridas. Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators (4, 2020). DOI: (IF- 2.25)

  8. Tannase and Its Applications in Food Processing. SS Kumar, R Sreekumar, A Sabu - Green Bio-processes, 2019 357-381 Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3263-0_19

  9. New features and properties of Microbial cellulase required for bioconversion of agro-industrial wastes., Ivano Garcia Galindo, Ricardo Gomez Garcia, Socrates Palacios Ponce, Janeth Ventura, Daniel Boone, Hector A Ruiz, Leonardo Sepulveda, Abdulhameed Sabu, Cristobal Noe Aguilar Gonzalez, In, Enzymes in Food Biotechnology, Mohammed Kuddus (Ed.)p 535, Elsevier Inc (2019). DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-813280-7.00031-1

  10. Gallic acid production by Aspergillus niger is strongly influenced by substrate concentration. Adrian Garcia-Najera, Lilia Arely Prado- Barragan, Juan C. Contreras-Esquivel, Raul Rodrigues-Herrera, Pedro Aguilar-Zarate, Shiburaj Sugathan, Abdulhameed Sabu and Cristobal N aguilar. In Advances in Food Bioproducts and Bioprocessing Technologies. Pp 331-345, Monica L Chavez-Gonzalez, Nagamani Balagursamy and Cristobal N. Aguilar (Eds) (2019).

  11. Microbial Technology: Advances and Challenges. Cristobal N Aguilar, Ayerim Hernandez-Almanza, Abdulhameed Sabu, Araceli Loredo, Sudheesh Sudhakaran, Desiree Davila-Medina, Thelma K Morales-Martinez, Leonardo Sepulveda-Torre, Shiburaj Sugathan and Jose A Teixeira. In Advances in Food Bioproducts and Bioprocessing Technologies. Pp 3-23, Monica L Chavez-Gonzalez, Nagamani Balagursamy and Cristobal N. Aguilar (Eds) (2019).

  12. Microbial caffeinases: Biosynthesis and properties", Erick Peña-Lucio, Mónica Chávez-González, Liliana Londoño-Hernandez, Mayela Govea-Salas, Sabu Abdulhameed and Cristobal Noé Aguilar, In: Microbial and Natural Macromolecules: Synthesis and Applications” Academic Press, Elsevier, USA, (Editors: Dr. Surajit Das and Dr. Hirak R. Dash) (2020).

  13. Cyanobacterial degradation of organophosphorus pesticides, Nimisha Vijayan P, Sabu Abdulhameed, In: Valorization of Agro-industrial Residues- Vol 1, Biological Approaches,  Zakaria, Zainul Akmar, Boopathy, Ramaraj, Dib, Julian Rafael (Eds.) pp 239-255, Springer Nature ISBN 978-3-030-39136-2 (2020). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-39137-9_12

  14. Recycling and Reuse of Ayurvedic Pharma Industry Wastes, Nikhitha Surendran O, M Haridas and Sabu A, In: Valorization of Agro-industrial Residues- Vol 1, Biological Approaches,  Zakaria, Zainul Akmar, Boopathy, Ramaraj, Dib, Julian Rafael (Eds.) pp, 203-217, Springer Nature ISBN 978-3-030-39136-2 (2020).

  15. Bioprocessing with cashew apple and its byproducts, Asha P Antony, Swapna K, Sabu A, In: Valorization of Agro-industrial residues- Vol II Non-biological Approaches, Zakaria, Z.A., Aguilar, C.N., Kusumaningtyas, R.D., Parameswaran, B. (Eds.) Springer Nature ISBN, 978-3-030-39207-9 (2020). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-39208-6_4

  16. Agro-processing residues for the production of fungal bio-control agents, Mousumi Das M, Sabu A, In: Valorization of Agro-industrial residues- Vol II Non-biological Approaches, Zakaria, Z.A., Aguilar, C.N., Kusumaningtyas, R.D., Parameswaran, B. (Eds.) Springer Nature ISBN, 978-3-030-39207-9 (2020). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-39208-6_5

© Dr. A.Sabu., 2020 

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